宜謹守戒命 箴言3:1-12; Proverbs 3:1-12我兒,不要忘記我的法則(或譯:指教);你心要謹守我的誡命; 因為他必將長久的日子,生命的年數與平安,加給你。 不可使慈愛、誠實離開你,要繫在你頸項上,刻在你心版上。 這樣,你必在神和世人眼前蒙恩寵,有聰明。 你要專心仰賴耶和華,不可倚靠自己的聰明, 在你一切所行的事上都要認定他,他必指引你的路。 不要自以為有智慧;要敬畏耶和華,遠離惡事。 這便醫治你的肚臍,滋潤你的百骨。 你要以財物和一切初熟的土產尊榮耶和華。 這樣,你的倉房必充滿有餘;你的酒醡有新酒盈溢。 我兒,你不可輕看耶和華的管教(或譯:懲治),也不可厭煩他的責備; 因為耶和華所愛的,他必責備,正如父親責備所喜愛的兒子。 箴言婚禮佈置3:1-12********************************************************************************************* My son, keep my teaching in your memory, and my rules in your heart: For they will give you increase of days, years of life, and peace. Let not mercy and good faith go from you; let them be hanging round your neck, recorded on your heart; So you will have grace and a good name in the eyes of God and men. Put all your hope in God, not looking to your reason for support. In all your ways give ear to him, and he will make straight your footsteps. Put no high value on your wisdom: let the fear of the Lord be before you, and keep yourself from evil: This will give strength to your flesh, and new life to your bones. Give honour to the Lord with your wealth, and with 會場佈置the first-fruits of all your increase: So your store-houses will be full of grain, and your vessels overflowing with new wine. My son, do not make your heart hard against the Lord's teaching; do not be made angry by his training: For to those who are dear to him the Lord says sharp words, and makes the son in whom he has delight undergo 開幕活動pain.                                                                                                                                         澎湖民宿Proverbs 3:1-12                                                                                                             情趣用品                                                                             

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